Predstavljamo revolucionarnu mašinu za pripremu bureka koja unapređuje proizvodnju uz automatske uređaje za burek, pekarsku opremu, industrijski burek, tehnologiju za burek, mašine za burek, i opremu za pekaru, pružajući savršeno pečen burek svaki put.
Snaga 3 + 6 KW (3 KW linija, 6 kW grejaci za topljenje masti)
Duzina linije 4.8 metara
Kapacitet proizvodnje u zavisnosti od podesene brzine od 40 do 120 0 kg/h
Touch panel upravljačka jedinica sa programiranjem receptura do 100 recepata
Pite, slagani burek, motani burek...
Opciono dodatna masina za nadeve i priloge 5000€
Masina namenjena iskljucivo za evropsko trziste
Power: 3 + 6 kW (3 kW for the line, 6 kW for fat melting heaters)
Line Length: 4.8 meters
Production Capacity: Adjustable speed allows output from 40 to 120 kg/h
Touch Panel Control Unit: Programmable for up to 100 recipes
Applications: Perfect for pies, layered borek, and rolled borek
Optional Additional Unit for Fillings and Toppings: €5,000
This machine is designed exclusively for the European market.
Revolucionarna mašina - linija za pripremu bureka!
Prednosti linije odnosno mašine za bureke:
Predstavljamo vam najnovije dostignuće u svetu gastronomije - mašinu za burek koja će vašu proizvodnju bureka podići na sasvim novi nivo! Ova inovativna mašina će transformisati način na koji pravite i servirate tradicionalni burek.
Sa intuitivnim dizajnom i naprednim funkcijama, naša mašina za burek je stvorena da olakša proces pravljenja bureka, dok istovremeno obezbeđuje savršen kvalitet i ukus svakog zalogaja.
Jednostavno postavite testo i punjenje po vašem izboru, a mašina će obaviti ostatak. Zahvaljujući preciznoj tehnologiji i podešavanjima, svaki burek će biti ravnomerno pečen, hrskav spolja, dok unutra ostaje sočan i pun ukusa. Rezultat je apsolutno savršenstvo u svakom zalogaju.
Naša mašina za burek je takođe izuzetno higijenska i laka za održavanje. Materijali visokog kvaliteta osiguravaju dugotrajnost i pouzdanost uređaja, dok jednostavno čišćenje omogućava brz prelazak na sledeću seriju ukusnih bureka.
Ne gubite vreme i energiju na ručno pravljenje bureka. Poboljšajte svoju proizvodnju bureka uz našu mašinu i zadovoljite sve ukuse svojih zadovoljnih gostiju. Oslobodite se teškog rada i uživajte u procesu stvaranja savršenog bureka uz našu revolucionarnu mašinu.
Neka vaša pekara bude epicentar ukusa i kvaliteta, uz mašinu za burek koja postavlja nove standarde u industriji. Iskoristite prednosti ove neverovatne tehnologije i ostvarite svoje gastronomske snove.
Advantages of the Borek Line or Machine:
Process Automation: Reduces the need for manual labor, increasing efficiency and production speed.
Consistent Quality: Ensures every borek is evenly baked and filled, delivering exceptional taste.
Waste Reduction: Precise measurements and automation minimize material waste.
Hygiene: Easy to clean and maintain, ensuring high hygiene standards.
Increased Capacity: Allows for the production of larger quantities of borek in less time.
Versatility: Capable of making various types of borek with a wide range of fillings.
Cost-Effectiveness: Reduces production costs over time and enhances profitability.
We proudly present the latest achievement in the world of gastronomy – a borek machine that will elevate your borek production to a whole new level! This innovative machine will transform the way you prepare and serve traditional borek.
With an intuitive design and advanced features, our borek machine is created to simplify the production process while ensuring perfect quality and taste in every bite.
Simply place the dough and filling of your choice, and the machine will do the rest. Thanks to precise technology and settings, every borek will be evenly baked, crispy on the outside, and juicy and flavorful on the inside. The result is absolute perfection in every bite.
Our borek machine is also highly hygienic and easy to maintain. High-quality materials ensure the device's durability and reliability, while easy cleaning allows for a quick transition to the next batch of delicious borek.
Don’t waste time and energy on manual borek production. Enhance your borek-making process with our machine and satisfy the tastes of all your happy customers. Free yourself from heavy labor and enjoy creating the perfect borek with our revolutionary machine.
Let your bakery become the epicenter of flavor and quality with a borek machine that sets new industry standards. Take advantage of this incredible technology and make your culinary dreams come true.